Our Projects
Neetraheen Avas Yojana
There are many Blinds who are living under inadequate conditions that are neither safe nor stable in the long run. There are many who are very talented but are unable to work on their talents because they cannot afford to live in a place where they can do so. Since we are a residential organization we do provide accommodation for such blinds. Netraheen Aavas Yojana is our Ashram’s unique and practical scheme that provides permanent shelter and complete protection to the Blind coming from poor families in rural areas. The Ashram accepts the blind irrespective of their caste and religion and provides hostel, food, education, medical and musical training totally free of cost. For the past 23 years, our organization has provided a reliable
shelter to many Blinds. Our Saraswati Bhawan is being utilized for establishing ‘Blind Education Center’, ‘Blind Music Academy’, ‘Bhandara’ and other welfare activities and projects, we are unable to provide hostel facilities to as much Blind as we would like to accommodate in that premises due to lack of space.
A Kind Request:
Through our ‘Netraheen Aavas Yojana’ project, we are beseeching and encouraging kind donors like you to come forward and help us in our need for a separate land or building for the sole purpose of providing residential facilities to as many underprivileged and orphan blind children as we can.
Anna-Daan Project
‘Food, Clothing, and Shelter’, we have been taught that these are the utmost necessities of life. Having them eases the burden of life’s struggle to some extent. But, almost half the population of this country is either starving day and night or worrying to keep a stable shelter above their head. This grim picture is even shadier if you are Visually Impaired.
Kolkata being one of the metropolitan cities in India is not untouched by the ever-fluctuating prices of food items. Other small cities, places, and villages in West Bengal also face the problem of food shortage because of the uncertain weather conditions like cyclones, floods, and heavy rain due to which affording a decent meal, for a daily wage worker, visually impaired unemployed people, or other disabled person become a luxury.
worker, visually impaired, or other disabled people.
(The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the frequent occurrence of natural calamities had increased their struggle ten forth)
Anna-Daan For 1 Month:
At present, with the help of many generous donors, our Ashram is providing monthly ration to 500 Blind Families under our Anna-Daan Project. 500 more families are waiting to be benefited by our project. One Bag contains 5kg Rice, 1kg Dall, 1 Salt, Masala, 1ltr Oil, kg Sugar, Marie Biscuit, Murhi, Suji, Soyabean & Soap. Each item is packed separately in one big, good quality plastic bag with Ashram’s official logo on the front. Maintaining proper quality and quantity is our utmost priority.
Anna-Daan to 1 Blind Family is Rs 900/-
500 Blind Families are relying on us for food. Most of the time we are unable to collect enough to provide for 500 families almost every month. Therefore, we request you to come forward with your support and donate Anna-Bag according to your wishes and help us save them from becoming a victim of hunger.
Blind Students Scholarship Project
Education plays an important role to shape the life of an individual. It is this education which empowers an individual with vision and develop the personality. Its a fundamental right based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination, and recognizes that all children can learn freely, and their distinguishing features are worthy of respect. Keeping this in mind our organization took the initiative of Blind Students Scholarship Project. Through our Scholarship Project we provide help to 75 financially incapable Blind Students who wants to make themselves educated enough to be independent. We provide different scholarship amount to students of the Secondary & Higher Secondary based on the reader cost and other exam related criteria. Those in poverty bear the cross of the negative effects of blindness. Hence, we aim to help them get the same quality which would ultimately open doors thowards their upwards economic mobility.
Secondary Education (Total Students 53):- The Scholarship for 1 Blind Student for a year is Rs 8,400/.
Higher Secondary Education (Total Students 22):- The Scholarship for 1 Blind Student for a year is Rs 18, 000/.
Blind students face several physical, financial, psychological & mental barriers in pursuing studies and living a life with dignity. At times such students are deprived of harnessing their skills and thereby miss the opportunity to earn their livelihood and find a dignified place for themselves in the society. This scheme encourages disabled students to pursue professional or technical courses various skill development courses for their own empowerment. Hereby, it is our humble request to you, kindly come forward with your help and financial support and enable us to link them to the main stream of the society.
Blind Computer Training Centre
In today’s scenario, computer and technology have a very significant impact on everyone’s life and has created a vast opportunity for jobs for every single person irrespective of their disabilities. For blind people, training in computers has proved to be a boon in their life. In the present situation, a physically challenged person no longer aspires to lead a life based on sympathy. He aspires to rise above his/her disability and create a living out of it.
In both commercial and social employment opportunities Complete Blind people in both Computer centers that provide structure there is a wide scope available for both the Partial and government and private
sectors. training these visually impaired people use special software called ‘Jaws’. Such centers are very few in number and are situated in urban areas which is an inconvenience for seekers in rural areas.
The computer training center established by us will not only help to meet the challenges of employment but will also provide a wide scope to save both time and money and be technically skilled. This project will create a vast opportunity for all the literate blind girls who have married and settled at their convenience, to learn computers and increase their technical literacy.
Long-Term Impact:
The availability of these centers providing almost free training and practicing facilities will surely solve their problems to a greater extent. Gradual increase in the number of centers in their nearby localities will enable us to prepare a large number of the educated blind to be computer literate and help them seeking for a means of income thus making their life comfortable and happy.